updates for the week!


Haven't been updating on my personal life for this whole week!!

Last Sunday, went for Baby Titus first full month! My first time meeting Titus!! Super cute~ Okie, all babies are cute! But this little guy loves to sleep no matter how noisy the place is!! My first time carrying a baby! Was quite excited and scared because I seriously have NO guts to carry one! So afraid that I might drop it. But carrying Baby Titus was fun! He sleeps soundly when I carried him. My 2nd aunt loves to poke his cheeks to wake him up.
Here's a cute picture of Baby Titus!

My 2nd aunt trying to wake him up, but he still can sleep soundly!!

Am hoping to see Baby Titus soon!

Then on Monday, I meet up with my friends over lunch at Ajisen! Much thanks to Mich for helping me get the replica of Cath Kidson iPhone case for 3GS!!
Here's a picture of my gift from her!

Super PINK!!! I like!!!

After lunch, we were thinking where to go. Wilfred suggested to watch 'Ladaland', which I totally disagreed to watching it, course from the name it sounds pretty weird, and I told him that it is definitely a horror movie. He was quite shocked that I could guess that it was a horror movie. Hahaha!! Then we decided to go for karaoke since it was still early for us. We ended up heading to Jasmine's place for karaoke!! I didn't sing much as there wasn't any Japanese songs or any english or chinese songs that I could remember. I'm sorry >.< After singing for 2 hours, we stop and then chat about jobs and so on. It's really hard to find jobs now. I'm also facing difficulty on getting a job that I want.

At about 5 plus, we left Jasmine's place. Much thanks to her and her Dad for sending us to Lakeside Station :D Then I went around Clementi Mall to wait for Pey Fen to come as I arrange to meet up with her to do nails at Nail Palace located in City Vibe. It was quite a good experience. Tried the leg scrub too, which was nice! I did a french manicure! Totally in love with it! This time is not as pain as the one I did years ago at Nail Girl. When removing the dead skin, the girl who did my nails at Nail Girl was pretty rough!!! My nails were quite painful! Well, at least the experience at Nail Palace was nice!

My french manicure~ Looks nice right?!
But I was super careless lah! Accidentally smudged it. Worse still is the toe nails part. I forgot that I had my toe nails painted and I even wore my bedroom slippers when I went back. Total win! Had to go back the next day to do a retouch. Thankfully its free!! I'm totally going back to Nail Palace to do simple manicure next time. Pedi is okie, but no coloring, because I'm way too careless to care about my feet. Hand wise, at least I will be more careful with it. Hahaha!!

I guess that's about this week's update!

Am going for JLPT N1 exam tmr, which I have 0 confidence to pass because:
1. I just finish my uni exams, and I have no mood to study for the 8th paper. More like my brain does not WISH to memo it.
2. I only came back from Taiwan trip like 3 weeks before the paper, which is totally impossible for me to study the whole year syllabus within 3 weeks. I will seriously study like mad, which I don't want to go thru the madness of studying non-stop that was back in March all the way to May. It was total HORROR, freaking myself out with what the examiner may test!

I guess I'll probably stone after the paper. Am aiming for the next paper instead at least, I have more time to prepare. I will still go for the paper as usual to see where I actually stand.

All the best to those who are taking the paper tmr!!! Jia you!!

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