new stuff coming thru~


In the mean time while waiting for my hard disk to be fixed and getting my job, I've decided to do something interesting. Well, to me, its pretty interesting!

I will be doing up posts on food!! Not just eating, but also cooking. I like cooking, but not the washing up all the utensils part. Totally hated it, but I still like to cook. And seriously speaking, I'm still in the process of learning to make Teochew and Hakka dishes. I have learnt some from both of my grandmothers, which are mainly for Chinese New Year. These are all my secret manuals,so I won't be doing them, coz they are WAY TOO delicious! Hahaha!!

Anyway, I also used other recipes and made some changes to it to make it simpler for all, coz I'm a lazy person when it comes to cooking.

Its best not to follow any recipe and make your own recipe coz the process is really fun and you can get to try loads of other unique stuff out.

Today's recipe will be lettuce rolls!
I saw the recipe on one of the Japanese magazines,, which is a popular girls magazine in Japan. They actually collaborated with NTV's 3 minute cooking program to start off this series. They have the online version which is located at
Its a pretty interesting website.
Anyway, back to topic.
I will post up the finalised product only, not the process as I don't have anyone to help me take down the whole process.

I think this project is interesting. Will be doing bento projects too!!I love bentos too much!! Hahaha!! Thats all!!

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