new reviews coming up~


still have yet to review the items that i've bought from taiwan!!
and JLPT is like next sunday. totally not prepared. thanks....

bah....i'm in no mood to take any more papers after surviving my uni papers. this year's paper is already horrible enough. i have to head down to expo for 6 days. even though i have 7 papers. 2 papers in one day is more than enough to kill my brain cells.

anyway, will be doing 2 reviews by this week. and also, one more post just on babies! Hahaha!! Will be visiting my cousin this week to see her cute son, Titus! Will take loads of pictures of Titus. Not too sure if my other cousin is going to bring her daughter, Min En over too. If she's going, it will be a whole full post on just the 2 of them! The 2 cute rabbit babies~

Here's two picture of the two different items that I will be reviewing soon!

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