JLPT N1 is over!!
23:47Am finally done with N1. At least for the time being. Somehow, July paper was much easier than December's paper especially in the vocabulary part. I was seriously stunned at last year's December paper. Studied so hard and what I learnt never came out. This feeling sucks.
Anyway, I also kind of gave up on revising for my N1 ever since I finish my Uni papers and came back from my TW trip. I did buy an assessment book to force myself to study in TW, but it never happened! I played non-stop till I was super tired in Taiwan, where I want to continue sleeping.
But somehow, I'm quite relieved that yesterday's paper was much easier. May score higher than expected, but who knows. I know I'm not going to pass it, coz I studied at the very last minute when my mind was clear, which made it easier for me to memo. Also, the paper was in the morning, which was good! I seriously prefer morning papers to afternoon papers. I have a hate relationship with afternoon papers. They tend to make me sleep, especially when it comes to writing essays for the exam. Sometimes, I tend to write out of point, because I was about to fall asleep.
After N1 paper, I went out with Kim-san, who was my ex classmate in JCS. We were quite free and had nowhere to go in mind, so we just went walking around. We chat about alot of things and she was the 8th person whom I've told to about the incident in TW. We also went to have a look at the AKB48 Shop and Cafe, which I never had a chance to go ever since it has opened. Was too busy mugging non-stop in SMU and at home. Hahaha!!
It was fun chatting with Kim-san. I never talk to that long before. Coz in class, we rarely talk, and most of the time, I'm the one who always ask to let me see the answers for homework, coz I'm too lazy to do mine. She's pretty good in her grammar! :D
Am wanting to have more of such sessions with friends when I'm still free at the moment.
Will be meeting 2 more friends this week!
Am looking forward to tmr too! :D
Something unexpected, but if would be super good if it really happens. Opportunities like these are rare! Am praying real hard now!!