[review] LOVEMORE Scotland Rose Crystal & Tourmaline


A new review!!
Have been doing reviews constantly these few days.
Am afraid that once I start working, I would have no timeto do all these until its the weekend.

Anyway, am doing a review on LOVEMORE masks. I totally love their masks after getting their sample and doing it before my exam period. So during my Taiwan trip, I decided to get some for personal use. And luckily, there was a promotion going for all the masks which helped me saved LOADS of money for the whole trip.

I can telly you that for the whole trip,I spend the most on clothes and masks. Not much on food and shoes and souvenirs. Masks are a must buy when you're in Taiwan. Girls, please do not forget that! Its very important, coz the pricing is way MUCH cheaper than in Singapore.

Back to the review.

LoveMore Scotland Rose Crystal & Tourmaline.

I find this mask really refreshing. Not just the texture,but also the smell.

The mask has alight rosy smell to it, which can make you relax while you put on the mask.

You can see from the inside of the pack, the mask is full of the toner, which is super moisturing to the face! There is also extra leftover of the toner from the pack itself. You can use those leftover to apply on your neck.

Yay!! I'm using the mask!! Its really nice! But the only thing is that the mouth area is too big. Hahaha!!!

You can put on the mask for more than 20 mins until its abit dried. Usually, they always state to put on for 20 mins max, but I need that is only when you're in a air-conditioned room. If not, you can put it for 30 mins. Thats what I always do.

I totally recommend this series of masks. Packaging is too cute! And it can help to lift up the chin area. :D

Its sold at all Watsons outlet, and you can get yours there too! Enjoy.

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